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The Economy and Social Council was created in 1994 with aim to enable participation of all social players involved in economic development of the city and therefore serve to support the actions of a local development agency. 


It is an advisory body that studies and counsels on matters regarding economic and social development. It supports policy development.


The primary purpose of the organizarion is to study the problem of socio-economic and employment problems of the city,and to draft proposals that aim to correct existing imbalances. Since there isn’t an organizational model that can solve all the problems that arise due to local development, the participation of citizens is needed in order to adopt adequate local policies to the social reality. 


In the meeting of The Plenary of the City Council, on 29 of June 2011, were considered Statues of Economy and Social Council, and referring to Article 3 of it, it was decided to appoint as members:


Mr Ivan Martínez Araque, president delegated by mayor and representative of the government.


Mrs Maria José Llopis Pons representative of groups that are not part of government team.


Mr José Villalaba Conejero, representative of Business Association of Alzira.


Mr Josep Miquel Tomás i Marrades, representative of the trade union CCOO.


Mr José Esteve Giner representative of the trade union UGT.


Mrs Carmen Herrero Pardo, secretary of the Council.



No-voting Members:


Mr David Peris Moll, representative of Regional Employment Service (SERVEF).


Mr Rafael Gadea Martínez, representative of Baker Guild Alzira (Gremio de Panaderos de Alzira).




The Trade Advisory Council is a body for consultation and opinion in matters of trade, public participation in all issues that directly or indirectly may affect the development of the business in Alzira. 


The Trade Advisory Council has its headquarters in the Municipality of Alzira and it is one of the necessary tools as a consultative body that acts as a bridge between the local and regional administration and traders.


Its primary purpose is to channel the participation of trade associations of the city of Alzira, in municipal matters that affect the commercial sector. This is made possible by creating a competitive business infrastructure in the town which follows the habits of consumers.


In the meeting of The Plenary of the City Council, on 29 of June 2011, were considered Statues of Trade Advisory Council, and referring to Article VII, it was decided to appoint as members:


Mrs Isabel Aguilar López, president delegated by mayor and representative of the government.


Mrs Maria José Llopis Pons, representative of groups that are not part of government team.


Mrs Teresa Avila Ribera, representative of the City Centre Commercial Area.


Mrs Susana Borrás Sierra, representative of Commercial Area C/Júcar – Av. Santos Patronos.


Mrs Victoria Palomares Sampedro, representative of Commercial Area Parc Pere Crespi.


Mrs Marita Palomares Martínez, representative of Business Association Zona Pérez Galdós.


Mr Rafael Garrigues Colomer, representative of Commercial Area J. Pau - Piletes – Dr. Ferrán.


Mr Salvador Rubio Boix, representative of Baker Guild (Gremio de Panaderos).


Mr Antonio Pascual Llinares, representative of Business Association of Alzira.


Mrs Carmen Herrero Pardo, secretary of the Council.

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