Since 2008, IDEA participates in European Programs in order to create employment, new development and innovation opportunities. We promote cooperation and mobility within the European Union. With this we try to expand our resources to benefit employment development, to bring new sources of knowledge and funding to the municipality.
Participating in European Programs, IDEA seeks to enhance the sense of European citizenship, thus making Alzira a city that is committed to European values of equality, solidarity, justice and social integration.
Exchange of employers and entrepreneurs. Stimulates entrepreneurship, competitiveness and internationalization.
European Employment Services is network of cooperation designed to help free movement of workers within the European Economic Area.
Exchange programme of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) which offers professional practices for period of 3 to 7 months in other region of Europe.
Non-formal learning experience. Stays between 2 and 12 months in another country in Europe.